Wednesday, October 22, 2008


"Running on pavement is bad for your joints"
FICTION: Running's impact is actually good for you; it stimulates bone growth and strengthens mucscles. And while softer surfaces like dirt and grass are believed to help absorb impact, achy joints are more often caused by training errors than running surfaces.

"Marathons are deadly."
FICTION: According to a study in the British Medical Journal, marathon deaths are not only rare, but races actually save lives by limiting traffic accidents.

"When running uphills, resist leaning and thinking 'forward'."
FACT: To minimize effort and maximize efficiency, it's best to maintain a posture that is perpendicular to the horizon - meaning don't lean! Leaning forces your muscles to work harder and can put excess stress on your lower back. Simply run tall, making sure the top of your head is pointing straight up.

Sources: Runner's Magazine, May 2008.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

I loved the tip about running uphill. I love to run up hills but it also hurts my knees so bad. Thanks for the tip!